Human Foods Dogs Can And Can't Eat | Lord Jameson
Human Foods Dogs Can And Can't Eat | Lord Jameson
We all love our canine friends... Your dog is such a big part of your family and considering how much you appreciate them, you want to share every little thing with them. Whether that be a nice relaxing walk, a day swimming at the beach, or enjoying a delicious homemade meal or snack, we always want to include our dogs in one way or another. However, it's important to remember that there are some foods that your dog can't eat. Have you ever thought about if your favorite food is suitable for your dog or not? Unfortunately, there are tons of foods that are dangerous for your dog to consume - some of which we will go over in this blog. So, keep on reading to discover all the food that you can share with your dog.
Which Human Foods Can Dogs Eat?
Although there are many human foods dogs can't eat, thankfully, there are thousands of different human foods they can eat! So, let's talk about some of them. Here is a list of 10 human foods that dogs can eat.
1. Bread: Like it is for us humans, bread is great in moderation! Bread doesn't have any health benefits, but it can be tasty with the right meal. Bread is devoid of any nutritional value and if given too much, it can pack on the carbohydrates. So to save your pup from going over-carbohydrated, limit their intake!
2. Cheese: Cheese is a fabulous food to give to your dog - again, in moderation. We humans know how delicious cheese is, so thankfully, we get to share that taste with our furry friends! Mozzarella cheese and soft goat cheeses are low in fat (around 3-4% of total calories), as well as cottage cheese! Mozzarella has an incredibly high protein content at about 18 grams per ounce serving size while being only 94 calories each piece. It also contains calcium and phosphorus without too many carbs. Goat cheese is an excellent source of protein and Calcium, it has a low lactose content which makes it great for those with dairy sensitivities. Goat Cheese contains about 45% less fat than cheddar or Swiss cheeses so you can feel good eating goat cheese because you know that it's not unhealthy fats your consuming but healthy ones! As for cottage cheese, it contains a litany of vitamins and minerals which make up an array of different nutritional benefits.
3. Coconuts: Coconuts are a fantastic source of potassium and Vitamin C. They've even been used in human medicine to help prevent heart disease! You can also use coconut water as an alternative for pets who are allergic to cow's milk or soy-based formulas. Make sure you only give them whole coconuts because they contain less sugar than shredded ones which could be dangerous if consumed by dogs with diabetes. Speaking of coconuts, did you know that our organic dog treats contain coconut shreds? Our healthy dog treats are suitable for vegans and are both beautiful in form and incredibly delicious in taste! We're super proud of our dog treats and have even won an award for our Celebration Bash flavor. Check out all the wonderful flavors we have to offer by clicking here.
4. Yogurt: Yogurt is actually really nutritious for dogs. It's loaded with protein, calcium, and also has probiotics which are good for your dog’s digestive system. If your dog has trouble with dairy products, then perhaps yogurt isn't the best for them. However, if your dog is a big fan of dairy and it doesn't bother their stomach, then definitely consider treating them to some yogurt! Yogurt has been shown in studies to help with various health issues such as blood sugar regulation (making it great for diabetes), digestive problems, skin conditions, allergies and more.
5. Tuna: If you're planning on feeding your dog tuna, then we'd suggest cooking them some fresh tuna rather than canned. Canned tuna is still okay for dogs, however, As for canned tuna, it contains a small amount of mercury and sodium. This should be avoided in excess as it has been found to cause health issues with too much consumption, such as kidney problems or an increased risk for heart attack and stroke! Now for the good part about tuna... The omega-3 fatty acids that are found in fresh tuna are essential to your dog's long term health. The astounding and often understated importance of these fats cannot be emphasized enough. Omega 3s not only promote heart health, but they also help with eye development as well... They're a must have for any pet owner looking to keep their loyal companion active and healthy over the years!
6. Shrimp: More seafood! Dogs can absolutely eat shrimp. When feeding your dog a small amount of cooked shrimp though, it is vital you remove all shell and head from the tail beforehand so your dog does not choke or get sick on anything that is hard to digest. Shrimp is a healthy and low calorie snack, which can help avoid weight gain. This protein-packed food can also help to keep your dog's immune system up while also providing that much needed energy for playtime!
7. Popcorn: There are so many different forms of popcorn available... Whether the popcorn is salted, unsalted, buttered, or unbuttered - popcorn is a great snack! Thankfully, your dog can enjoy this treat, too. We suggest popcorn that is either unsalted, not covered in butter, or just air-popped! Popcorn is a delicious, healthy snack that provides your body with riboflavin and thiamine. These two vitamins promote eye health and digestion while also providing small amounts of iron and protein to the diet! Make sure not to feed your dog the uncooked kernels as these can be tough to digest and can become a choking hazard.
8. Ham, Turkey, Pork: Most dogs eat meats like chicken and beef, however, ham, turkey, and pork are also acceptable! Ham is one of the best meats for dogs because it’s low in carbs and has a lot of protein. Turkey isn't just tasty and delicious - they're also a great way to keep your dog healthy because of their high protein levels which will promote muscle growth in the animal's body while fulfilling an important need for Omega-6s fatty acids. These fatty acids are great because they help to maintain skin elasticity and reduce dryness on your dog's coat. As for pork, pork is one of the best meats for dogs! It's high in protein and it has a good fat ratio. It helps to keep your dog's muscles nice and strong!
9. Honey: Dogs can eat honey, but they should only have a small amount. Honey is one such example as it contains vitamins A, C, and D which may help to fight off infections in their immune system or protect against heart disease if eaten on a regular basis.
10. Salmon: Salmon is another great human food that dogs can eat, too! Salmon has plenty of protein and Omega-3 fatty acids. It contains many important vitamins like Vitamin B1, vitamin D (which helps regulate calcium levels), as well as minerals including selenium and phosphorus. All these vital nutrients help keep your pup's skin smooth by promoting hair growth to prevent dryness or flaking at sensitive spots such as its paws or nose!
Those were only 10 human foods dogs can eat... There are so many more, however, if we put them all, then this blog would never end! Now that we've gone over human foods that are safe for dogs, let's talk about some foods that can harm dogs.
10 Human Foods Dogs Can't Eat
1. Onions: Dogster.com had a conversation with Emmy-award winning veterinarian Dr. Jeff Werber to discuss how dangerous onions can be for dogs. As stated on their website, Dr. Jeff said, “Traditionally, we have always recommended avoiding raw onions and raw garlic because of a type of toxin that can have a negative effect on red blood cells.” The toxic ingredient is called n-propyl disulfide, which is an oxidant that can do oxidant damage to red blood cells.
2. Grapes: Scientists have a few different theories as to why dogs can't eat grapes. One theory is that the sugar in grape juice, which changes into alcohol during fermentation and eventually vinegars when left long enough, could be toxic for our canine friends. Eating too many of these fruit may cause an upset stomach or diarrhea for your dog, too.
3. Raisins: Unfortunately, raisins can be lethal for your dog's digestive systems! Raisin skins are rich in a natural compound called arabinose that is not metabolized correctly by canine kidney cells which may lead to inflammation or even renal failure.
4. Chocolate: Chocolate contains theobromine which can cause vomiting or diarrhea. It has been known to seriously upset dogs' digestive systems. So, as delicious as chocolate is, it's not recommended to feed some to your furry friends.
5. Garlic: Garlic is a big no when it comes to human foods that you can feed dogs. This is because of the compound found in their saliva. Garlic contains thiosulfinate, which is known for giving that bad breath odor and it's also been shown to cause heart disease if consumed over an extended period.
6. Almonds: Why can't dogs eat almonds? It's because their stomachs are too sensitive. They have a hard time digesting them and if they're not chewed fully, they can get stuck in your dog's esophagus - resulting in them choking.
7. Macadamia Nuts: These are extremely dangerous to dogs! Macadamia nuts are a tasty snack that can cause many side effects when eaten, including vomiting and increased body temperature. They can cause vomiting, increased body temperature, inability to walk or think straight, and lethargy. They're also harmful to your dog's nervous system.
8. Avocado: Lately, everyone is going crazy over avocado! We can't blame them, it's a delicious food! However, it's not the best for dogs. It's not toxic, but it's not super beneficial to their health either. Avocados contain persin - a fungicidal toxin. Persin can cause your dog to vomit and have diarrhea, so if you want your dog to have some avocado, then we suggest feeding them very small amounts.
9. Yeast Dough: Unlike humans who would experience a stomach ache and an unpleasant bout of nausea when they ingest yeast-laden dough, dogs' systems are equipped for such fermentation. The digestion process releases toxic levels of ethanol into the dog’s bloodstream which distends his stomach. As we mentioned earlier, bread is fine - just not unbaked bread!
10. Peaches: Unfortunately, dogs cannot digest the skin of peaches skin... The skin has a high concentration of chemicals that are poisonous to them. Peaches contain amygdalin and cyanide compounds in their skins - which are both toxic.
What do you do if your dog eats a harmful food?
Consult with your vet! This is so important as the situation will vary with dogs. Some foods are okay in moderation, however, it's extremely important to always get a professional's advice regardless.
If you're looking for new food to feed your pup, then consider human-grade dog food! Human-grade dog food is typically the highest quality of all canned and dry foods for dogs! It typically contains more protein than other brands, as well as a higher fat percentage to help keep their coat shiny and healthy. Humans have a wide variety of dietary needs, so the same applies for dogs! Human-grade food is specifically crafted to meet our furry friends' nutritional requirements as well as ours. You'll find that this type of pet food has been processed and packaged using strict safety standards tailored especially for dogs - meaning you won't be adding anything harmful into his diet.
Is human-grade dog food better than kibble?
It's a question that many pet owners have pondered. Human-grade dog food is a bit different than kibble - though they may sound similar and have some similarities, human grade varieties are made up from actual meat or vegetables while Kibbles get their flavor mostly by grain content. They offer more protein which could help with joint problems associated with aging dogs as well as being better for digestion overall due to higher water percentage.. But that doesn't mean you should switch without considering other factors: like if your pup has any particular dietary needs such as allergies or sensitivities. Again, always consult with your vet for professional advice!
Conclusion of Human Foods Dogs Can and Can’t Eat
All dog lovers should always be feeding healthy food to their dogs. Whether it's human or commercial human-grade food, the safety of ingredients needs to be checked before offering it to your furry friends. We understand the importance of this, which is why we created a wide range of nutritionally healthy dog treats! Our organic dog treats are made from delicious ingredients (that you can pronounce) and are soft and beautiful in form. Our treats are made with ingredients like strawberries, turmeric, sweet potatoes, apples, and more. Check out our healthy dog food here!
Thank you so much for reading this blog! Hopefully, you have gained more insight on what to / what not to feed your dogs. Stay up to date with all things Lord Jameson by following us on Instagram @LordJameson!